The President Hotel was one of the most popular and well run business hotels in South Mumbai, having stayed their for decades. Im afraid the current avatar ; "IHCL Selections" is far from what it was from my last stay. We had reserved a Premium Room and the hotel room, though renovated, is NOT A PATCH on what they were earlier. There is no Couch, rather an "extremely uncomfortable" BENCH with coushins. No Coffee Table. There is a Study Table, BUT NO CHAIR. Even if there was a chair, it would be of no use as there is a Mini Bar fridge below the table. I can go on but what is most disappointing was that there is No Feel of Comfort in the rooms anymore. The services have also dipped, new staff with older staff moving on, l guess. However they seemed ill trained, with Thai Pavillion being the exception; the service in this restaurant was up to the mark; friendly & efficient staff. We had requested for a reservation at the Thai Restaurant to the front desk staff, apparently they forgot to communicate it to the restaurant staff; very disappointing!! All I can say that this hotel was once the pride of South Mumbai business travellers and an Icon, but in its current avatar, it needs much to be desired from. I dont think we will be coming back to stay here again, Sadly!!!