we were from the country and booked a hotel room, to make sure we could get to our flight at the airport, very early in the morning. no problem booking a room, and it stated in the price it was $139 but, quickly went up to $167.00 on my Visa. when we got there, we had to pay$66 to go by taxi. Nobody helped us with our 6 bags and there was no one to help find our way down the long hallways. the big problems were the heating there, the thermostat was ripped off the wall. there was always no heat or heat like a furnace. this affected out sleep. I was told by the reception guy, Adi. our room was right by the smoking doors, and in combination with the elevator. I had no idea they would put a senior couple there.
due to hour of listening to this racket above us and the constant door always banging till 2:00 a.m. etc. we could not sleep and had to forfeit our trip of $5000.00. we were
so wasted and tired. the wakeup call came at 4:40 instead of 5:00 a.m...we had no energy to get to the airport and fell very upset and tired right now.
I ask for reimurbsement for the chaos, unhelpful staff and guests who were annoying to our peace and quiet.
Please advise.